Информация про Клуб знакомств Романтический город в Москве
Похожие компании
Знакомства Журнал
127051, Москва, бул. Цветной, д. 26
+7 (495) 608-59-40
125009, Москва, пер. Гнездниковский Малый, д. 12/27, стр.9
+7 (495) 629-08-29
125047, Москва, ул. Тверская-Ямская 2-Я, д. 18 офис 315, оф. 315
+7 (499) 251-21-14
Клуб знакомств Романтический город в Москве

Адрес | 119019, Москва, Арбат ул., д. 1 |
Метро | ![]() ![]() |
Телефон | ![]() ![]() |
Официальный сайт | ![]() |
Расположение | ![]() |
Speed Dating Moscow by R-GOROD.RU
Speed Dating for professional and attractive adults – the ultimate dating experience!
Love, romance, friendship or more?! Its up to you to decide.
Come out and have a few drinks, laugh, dance and meet new friends.
At the start of the event, everyone is given a name tag with their first name and a number. You‘ll also be given a Dating Journal, in which you put down the name of your date and the number on his/her name tag. After each date, put a «+» in the column if you liked a guest and would like to see him/her again.
The “Comments” column will help you remember your date later on, and you can also exchange phone numbers at the event.
At the end of the event you hand in your Dating Journal to the organizers so that we can match participants who are interested in each other.
If someone you chose also chooses you, then you will receive the names and contact details of your “matches” by e-mail.
Meet 15 - 20 singles in one fun night, let the sparks fly and feel the chemistry instantly!
Our events help you socialize, meet new people, and have a great night out!
Find out more at www.r-gorod.ru/englishДополнительная информация: Клуб знакомств Романтический городИнформацию могут размещать зарегистрированные представители Клуб знакомств Романтический город. | РубрикиБрачные агентства, службы знакомств |
Новости Клуб знакомств Романтический город
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